rocky coastline


Successfully addressing the core challenges concerning marine management in an appropriate social, cultural, and economic context requires that we recruit, train, retain, and mentor diverse cohorts of trainees. We welcome applications from students from a range of educational, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds and traditions. We uphold the UC Davis Principles of Community and commit to fostering an academic environment that supports the success of all members of our community because this diversity strengthens and enriches our research, scholarship, and teaching.


  • Cross Cultural Center ...supports student leadership in advancing the collective vision for community empowerment and social justice following six guiding values: advocacy; cultural competency; community building; academic excellence, research and education; identity exploration; and leadership development.
  • Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual Resource Center ...provides an open and inclusive space and community that is committed to challenging sexism, cis-sexism, genderism, homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and heterosexism.
  • Services for International Students and Scholars ...assists incoming and current international students and scholars and their families with visa and immigration issues while they are at UC Davis, as well as orientation, assistance, information and referral to international students, faculty and researchers regarding financial, personal, cultural and academic concerns.
  • Student Disability Center ...committed to ensuring the equal educational opportunities for students with disabilities.
  • Student Recruitment and Retention Center ...hosts efforts to encourage the recruitment and retention of graduate and undergraduate students from under represented backgrounds in higher education.
  • Women's Resources and Research Center ...provides a place for students to learn about resources and educational programs that focus on gender equity and social justice.
  • AB540 & Undocumented Student Center ...strives to empower undocumented students, their families, and members of the community in being informed leaders and active participants in our communities.