Trainees - Cohort 5

Sam Beckert

  • PhD Student, Graduate Group in Animal Biology
Sam received her bachelor’s degree in Ecology, Behavior, and Evolution, with a minor in Global Health, from UCLA in 2019. She is interested in examining the impacts of commercial fishing and aquaculture practices on species development and reproduction. She aims to utilize physiological research to address issues in resource management, conservation, and the development of sustainable aquatic food sources.

Gal Koss

  • PhD Student, Agriculture and Resource Economics
Gal earned a bachelor's degree in Applied Economics and Management from Cornell University in 2014 and a master's in Agriculture and Resource Economics from Colorado State University in 2021. She is interested in issues of marine resources and coastal cities, and generally in how people make decisions under climate change and uncertainty.

Gabby Yang

  • PhD Student, Graduate Group in Ecology
Gabby received her B.S. in Environmental Biology from Cal Poly Pomona with her research focusing on analyzing stereo-video data to quantify Z. flavescens abundance inside and out of protected areas in Hawaii. Her current research interests centers on utilizing her experience as an ecologist to better understand environmental policy and decision-making to improve the management of our oceans and their ecosystem services.

Lizzy Ashley

  • DVM/PhD Student, School of Veterinary Medicine & Graduate Group in Epidemiology
Lizzy received B.S. degrees in Ecology and Biology from the University of Georgia in 2019. She is interested in the pathology and epidemiology of infectious diseases and biotoxins in marine wildlife. She aims to study the role of land and water use in coastal pathogen pollution, quantify disease risks to threatened species and resource-dependent communities, and evaluate ocean policy solutions through a One Health lens.

Serina Moheed

  • PhD student, Graduate Group in Ecology
Serina received her bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences, with a minor in Infectious Disease Biology, from Cornell University in 2020. Since then, she has been working on human infectious diseases as a Research Technician at Massachusetts General Hospital. Recognizing the interconnectedness of human and ocean health, Serina is pursuing a PhD in ecology to understand the effect of future climate events on the number and severity of marine disease outbreaks, particularly in vulnerable coastal ecosystems such as seagrass meadows.

Jennifer Paige

  • PhD Student, Graduate Group in Applied Mathematics
Jennifer received her bachelor's degrees in Mathematics and Educational studies from Swarthmore College in 2022. She is interested in how modeling, computation, and data analysis techniques can help understand and protect vulnerable marine systems, especially with respect to the impacts of climate change. She aims to help with practical implementation of this knowledge through policy solutions that address conservation issues and make this knowledge more accessible to the communities it affects through outreach.

Shreya Banerjee

  • PhD Student, Graduate Group in Population Biology
Shreya earned her Bachelor's in Environmental Systems in 2016 and her Master's in Marine Biology in 2017 from Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego, where she worked on sea turtle mating systems. Between her master's and beginning her PhD, She worked as a lab manager in a conservation genomics lab at UMass Amherst and later an evolutionary biology lab at Stanford University. She has also spent time working as a field biology technician. She is looking forward to using her molecular ecology background to understand how environmental stressors do and will affect adaptation in marine invertebrates.